About The Book

The Crisis of Our Time

“The Crisis of Our Time”

Dr. John Carvalho, former Harvard academician and winner of the United States National Research Service Award, is no stranger to the word crisis.  As a scientist, scholar and statesman he has spent decades working on the front lines of biomedical and theoretical exploration, global health, and the worldwide, human rights movement.  The Crisis of Our Time is the astonishing, partial memoir and discourse regarding his life’s career and philosophy concerning the planet’s most pressing problems.  Written in a way accessible to everyone, Carvalho, beginning with his passionate, poetic, and provocative first chapter, challenges us to discover that the disastrous, external crises of our lives emanate from the unity of our conscious and subconscious experiences.  Indeed, the great troubles afflicting humanity—war, infectious disease, economic recession, terrorism, family discord, psychological trauma, human rights violations—dilemmas that appear unsolvable, actually originate when—without truthful self-reflection—we glorify mediocrity rather than strive to excel.  Employing cutting-edge, scientific information; keen, historical insight; extensive, cultural experience; and profound, philosophical analysis; Carvalho dissects our crises to elucidate why they perpetuate.  In so doing, he introduces his theory of “causal circular systems” to reveal how causes feed off and exacerbate effects, which, in turn, reinforce those same causes.  Furthering his views, he explores global health, the example par excellence, as well as economics, political history, planetary climate change, and the most central crisis of all—Being or Nothingness—the fears of the Self—the dread of our mortality.  Ultimately, this short but eye-opening book creates epic meaning while using an artistic, literary style that is virtually unseen in nonfiction.  Anyone who genuinely seeks excellence over mediocrity, truth over falsity, meaning over purposelessness, and resolution over despair should read Crisis.



Examiner Magazine:

“A read through The Crisis Of Our Time indicates that John Carvalho, when

revealing his philosophy regarding the world’s most urgent concerns, has spared

no expense at instituting synthesis while creating controversy.”


“Carvalho ties his own, eye opening, life experiences into the wider, present,

global debate, and does so both provocatively and memorably.”


“…he throws the reader a ‘literary curve ball’ when he introduces a final, climatic

ending that peers into the ‘mystery’ of the human subconscious and the nature

of objective reality, the likes of which is unseen in nonfiction.”


San Francisco Chronicle:

“Dr. John Carvalho frequently challenges his readers to think beyond the

boundaries of conventional, human wisdom while attempting to solve difficult



“…his views once again suggest that we, both individually and societally, need to

peer deeper into the human condition, and even ‘reality’ itself, so that resolution

of present struggles can be attained.”


The Houston Chronicle:

“The Crisis of Our Time is bold, daring, shocking, and instructive, and will likely

have its advocates and adversaries in both the academic community and the

broader society.”



“The Crisis Of Our Time, John Carvalho has not only pushed the boundaries of

human wisdom, but also ‘literature’ itself.”


The Connecticut Post:

“Since the debut of ‘The Crisis Of Our Time,’ the book and its author have

already generated discussion within literary and Hollywood circles.”


The Seattle Post Intelligencer:

“The Crisis Of Our Time instantly earned its author a ‘Best Literary Writer’

nomination from AIMA because of its unique, literary style that is virtually unseen

in nonfiction.”


Indie Author News:

“Amazing philosophy; unique, literary artistry…”


Artists In Music Awards:

“John Carvalho has received our first ‘Best Literary Writer’ nomination for AIMA

this year, and we are pleased to be expanding our program…”


Indie Voices Online Talk Show:

“Numerous chapters in the book can potentially be made into film or television



National Monitor:


“The Author’s Digest recently named Dr. John Carvalho “The Renaissance Scholar” because he has led an extraordinarily diverse life that has covered academia, politics, human rights work, world travel, and even the entertainment industry.”



Individual testimonials:

Even qualified politicians most often have degrees in economics, law, and political science that do not fully equip them to grapple with major global health and social crises of the sort that Carvalho dissects so insightfully.  About these things he is precisely right….Social action is the next and hardest step toward change.  We must keep listening to the men and women in the street the way Dr. Carvalho has been for so long and let their despair drive us forward to a better global future.”  – Dr. Laura Kristan Wilhelm, Reporter, The Hollywood Times


“Given the present condition of the world, this book is timely and a must read.”- Suniil Sadarangani, Writer/Producer/Actor


“Amazing autobiography.”Alan Kealey, Indie Author News


“I’m fascinated about the subject matter…the insights are right now….The Crisis Of Our Time is destined to be a bestseller…Congratulations on the milestone achievement.” – Marneen Lynne Fields, Actress/Writer/Producer/Recording Artist, Member of the Screen Actors Guild


“Author John Carvalho has applied a much needed macroscopic view of the state of the world today. Serving as both a warning to the entire world of the inherent dangers we face politically, economically and ecologically, if the much needed change doesn’t occur, and also as a wake up call to the power of the individual to take responsibility for their part…History may one day label John Carvalho as one of the great American prophets.” – Shaun Lee O’Sullivan, Hollywood Filmmaker & Civil Liberties Activist


“A journey that pulls you into its pages. It has the flavor of a black and white classic.  A one size fits all for those who settle for the mundane, and those of us who want more. Captivating.” - Markus Tanner, Amazon Reviews


“Over the past many decades, income inequality has caused great suffering to Americans. and the quality of life in the United States has deteriorated.  Dr. John Carvalho’s new book reveals interesting incites into how income disparities arise.” - Philip Chang, Financial Advisor & Insurance Broker